10 hours ago
Jun 23, 2006
How plans change........
Lloyd finished work early and came home but wasn't feeling well so we lazed on the bed for a while until he felt better....now he is heading outside with Sam and the others....and we are trying to decide what to do for dinner.....the older 4 are outside playing soccer...
I snapped these pics this afternoon while the children were sat by Lloyd on my big chair.......
So I had made the decision that this weekend would be sleepover free...no one sleeping here and the kids not sleeping elsewhere....to save all the running around and so Lloyd and I could have some alone time. It hasn't quite worked out that way...we can't say know to Laurie staying at the twins because its their birthday party treat.......and because he is sleeping there it seems wrong to say no to Chris staying at A's. So no alone time for DH tonight...until the kids are asleep tonight anyway....I was hoping we could go out and have a coffee somewhere quiet and then get some dinner....ah well....maybe tomorrow night!!!!
I'm not good with dealing with plans changing. I'm learning though......i'll survive....and Lloyd printed off 56 pages of John Holt stuff at work this morning so I can relax and read through some Growing Without Schooling stuff tonight.........
One more week and Lloyd has a week off. One more week..........