I strew!!! I didn't know it was an unschooling thing...didn't know others do it.....but I strew!! Have always strewn.....I leave things lying around and know that one or all of the children (or Lloyd) will eventually pick the thing up, look at it, play with it, fix it, take it apart, read it, learn it.......I do it with websites too...I leave links strewn in folders and in the inbox...knowing they will get looked at by someone.......
I strew :) it works...and it leads to a lot of learning!!!! I was worried it was kind of coercing the kids but I guess works :) I don't push things at them....don't make them look at them...but they are more likely to pick things up and use them if they are conveniently 'left hanging around'.........
Go ahead and STREW!!!!!
23 hours ago