Jul 31, 2006

Rainy days and Mondays.......................

Wow did it ever rain last night! I don't think I have experienced constant heavy rain like that since Scotland. It just rained and rained...I began to wonder if we should be using the wood from the barn to build an ark.......

This morning was COLD....lovely and cold :) and wet :) we had the heating on! Lloyd took Chris to work which means he left late enough to have coffee with me :)

Today I've done the floors and laundry and pottered about...then we ran into town to get Chris from work and the childrne played the game at the library...they each won a toy. We picked some books and dvd's to borrow and also went into the big book sale there and managed to spend $14 on books! More books than I have shelf space for.......

The library was quiet while we were there but we managed to run into two other homeschool families! Then when I got home I had an email from another homeschooling Mom who had been at the library earlier and had seen Chris working...she wrote to say hi and tell me Chris was doing a great job helping the children with the summer game :) That was lovely to hear!

This afternoon I have read to Sam, chatted with Lloyd and we watched some of the mighty Machines dvd we borrowed. I've started a letter to my sister to go in with her birthday card...must post that tomorrow.

One of the books we borrowed for Sam was a House Mouse book.....I just adore the House Mouse art......they are just the cutest......I'd like to get some large prints done to frame. They do rubber stamps too:


We have two eggs so far today......we seem to be getting two a day at the moment....Lloyd gets very excited about taking Sam in to find the eggs :) I just love that the children are growing up experiencing all of this!

I trimmed Sams hair today.......only a bit as he wouldn't keep still for long!

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