I think the accident yesterday affected us a lot more than we thought...Lloyd keeps talking about it too.....the more I think about it, it seems very strange that the man wasn't covered up. He died instantly and at this point the ambulance and police were there which means he had been there a while....I feel he should have been covered....cars full of families were driving past all the time on their way to Canada Day festivities and it was so upsetting to see it all.....
That aside, it has left us with so many thoughts about life and how fragile it is....how one minute you can be on your way out to enjoy the celebrations and events of the day and the very next minute it can all be over.
And we are left thinking all the what if's? What if it was us....what if something happened to one of us.......what if we had left the house on time instead of waiting for the soccer match to finish??? It could have been us that hit his bike as he ran the stop sign.......how do you live with that? Lloyd said it was a minivan involved.......probably a family.....how are they feeling today? I just can't imagine.
We had to drive past the site that evening to pick Laurie up and go to see the fireworks.....it was eery driving past........sad and eery. Here we are enjoying the weekend and another family close by is coping with the shock of losing their loved one.
I don't think I'll ever forget the sight of that man yesterday......
23 hours ago