Aug 16, 2006

My Blog book............

So I have a thing for spiral bound notebooks...especially little ones............and I have one that I call my 'blog book'...I try and carry this with me at all tiomes because you just don't know when you will think of something to put in your blog.......(ok lol I realise I am the only one still blogging regularly and still slightly (ok big time) obsessed with blogging but someone has to stick with it)..................

So anyway.......I have this notebook and in it I write all kinds of things that might be worth blogging about if and when I have the time.............

So today, while sat in bed,I jotted down:

Elvis died 29 years ago today.............

A lady gave birth in a canal after a labour contraction caused her to crash her car..........a policeman found her and rescued the baby who was on the passenger seat still with the umbilical cord attached......they have named the baby Miracle Biggs........the Motehrs parents didn't even know she was pregnant!

We had a coyote in the back yard again last night.........we quite often have them in the back yard.......and you can hear them a lot at night...I like the noise....I open the windows wider to listen.....I know they are quite often down near the pond........we also have several deer that sleep in the back field as you can see where they have been sleeping as the grass is flattened........coyotes sound like a bunch of girls when they howl together at night........

On the news this morning they announced that Sesame Street is to have a new character this year...a student fairy named Abby!!!!

Back to school is the second most expensive time of year for (most) families........Christmas is first.....stress and anxiety is very common in children during this time......the news report this morning was showing how to teach your children relaxation exercises to cope with the stress.........neither of these points relate to us........yesterday we strolled aorund the school supplies aisles in Zellers and it was a wonderfully smug feeling to see all the parents with their long lists of supplies to buy........we don't have to buy anything :) we don't have to rush and we don't have to stress :) ......but I was tempted by the pretty spiralbound notebooks lol!

Summer is drawing to an can feel it in the air....the evenings are chilly and I have to wear a sweater outside......even at 28c during the day the evenings are colder..........theres a nip in the air in the mornings too........It was only 8c this morning................I like it :) Fall is almost here ...Hallmark has all its gorgeous Fall supplies in...I think I will have to head over to Homesense soon as they always do gorgeous Fall things!!!

So there you go...........those are this mornings jottings :) fascinating huh????? lol!
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