Last night Lloyd and I drove Laurie into town as he slept over at his friends home...he's there all day today too.....after dropping him off we drove into Edmonton to the '4 Your Mind' Open House.......
4 Your Mind is a homeschooling supplies store and it was heavenly.......I set myself a budget of $100 but with Lloyds help I managed to go just over that and spent $104......but its money I get to claim back on homeschool funding :) I bought a spanish game, a math game thats a little like Yahtzee......several books for us to read together.......a Professor Noggins card game on Canadian History......some thermometers......and I picked Chris up a copy of the ESSENTIAL book 'The Teenage Liberation Handbook' by Grace Llewellyn......everyone should read this book......parents and teens!!!!
It was lovely to see Loralee, the store owner (and a friend from homeschool group!!!) and Trish from sports day and I had so much fun choosing supplies for the our new 'school' year!!!
After the open house we went out for dinner before heading home.........we spent the evening talking about my new business venture which has me very excited and very VERY nervous......I have emailed a friend asking for a little help and am kind of terrified but excited at the same time.............
Lloyd is so supportive...I swear if I said I wanted to be an astronaut he would go out today and buy me the text books and space suit and encourage me all the way! Is there anything he will not support me with? this space :)
21 hours ago