I needed a break tonight so after supper Lloyd took me into town and we had coffee and shared a carrot cake. We grabbed a few things in Home Depot and then went to Homesense and we found some fab things for studio sets......................a little armchair for babies and toddlers to sit in, a nice highbacked formal chair for formal family portraits, and a fun big square fluffy footstool type thing that will be great for older kids fun pictures.............
The lighting doesn't arrive until tomorrow which means I only have tomorrow night to practice with the lighting effects..............I still have some fake gift boxes to wrap and some little bits and pieces to sort out..........but I think we might be ready.............
One BIG mistake though....we replaced the bulb on the stairway down to the basement. Never replace a bulb after several months!!!!.......what used to be white walls were covered in grubby little finger prints! Wow........couldn't see them with no bulb but boy are they noticeable now so I just had to wash all the walls down!
So tomorrow night I need to practice on my crew to take some pictures downstairs and see how the lighting all works and play around moving the lights and reflectors and using filters etc etc.....
I keep flitting between being extremely excited and positive and knowing this is going to be a great success, to asking myself if I am mad and telling myself this is all crazy and everyone willhate my pictures and that I should just run away!
But having a breather this evening was much needed...some time with Lloyd in this chaotic week. He is so supportive its unreal.......keeps telling me he believes in me and that it will all be great.........
I really struck lucky with him ;)
23 hours ago