11 hours ago
Sep 23, 2006
Lake Minnewanka
Ok so in England, a wanker is someone who likes to 'play with themself' (if you know what I mean lol) and its also a slang term for an idiot.........
So of course, with that said, we always think its hilarious when we see signs to Lake Minnewanke......and in the car this time I made a joke about Minnewanke and compared it to the big wanker driving the car (who was not me lol) Of course I found that hilarious, whereas Lloyd didn't lol and started to think up jokes about me and my height lol!
The name Minnewanka actually means 'Water of the spirits'.....in Nakota (Stoney Indians language)
So we drove across Lake Minnewanke and stopped for a while there.......then drove along to Two Jack.........
You can read more about Lake Minnewanka and its fascinating history (including the village that is now underwater, here: