10 hours ago
Oct 27, 2006
What homeschooling brings......
I am just going through Christies pictures.....getting them ready for CD and I just saw these and thought...these are GREAT pictures...these show what homeschooling can bring to a family....how close it can bring siblings......they have fun together, they LIKE each other...they are FRIENDS as well as siblings.......THIS is why I homeschool.
I went to school, my children were in school and I have many many friends with children in school but I can honestly say that I don't recall seeing any other siblings this close at this age except in the homeschooling community........
The tween/ teen years are not commonly the time when siblings are close and 'friends'.........especially with the peer pressure and age segregation from school.....
Anyway, these pictures just reflect all that I am trying to say...the kids weren't posing awkwardly or anything....they were happy and comfortable and totally natural :)
They are great pictures (just ignore the shadows lol as its not edited ;)