I think maybe we are still all getting over that bug ew had last week......it has left a few of us feeling really lethargic and fed up. No motivation to do anything......
I am glad we have a lot of plans this weekend...hopefully that will kick my butt into action.....and maybe tomorrow we will head out too and get out of this place! A change of scene might be in order...
It is going to be a LONG winter....I am so glad we will have two weeks of being in the sun come January - it will be a welcome break from the snow :) Much needed :)
This afternoon the children went out sledding for a while making the most of the warmer temps for the day......Susannah is makinga gingerbread house from a cardboard box, following the instructions in the Family Fun magazine....
I have been very lazy and sat and read my Redbook magazine.......I should go for a walk or something. Maybe I can persuade Lloyd to come home early and we can go out on the quads for a ride and some fresh air......I should go out for na walk but I just feel so tired.....I ahven't had my iron either which I know I need :( My anaemia is quite bad atm.......that doesn't help :(
I will take a pic of Susie with her gingerbread house....
10 hours ago