Or breakfast time as I just ahd some toast...and a mint thin lol......so lets call it brunch and be done with it ;)
Talking of breakfast foods...yesterday I tried one of the new breakfast sandwiches from Tim Hortons.....I had the sausage and egg with NO cheese (you Canadians are so weird with your 'cheese on everything' thang you have going!!!) anyway for those in foreign parts (lol) this new sandwich is like a Macdonalds breakfast thingy.......but its like a scone (they call it a biscuit here) with egg and sausage inside.........
it was WONDERFUL!!! omg it tastes like it is sooooooo BAD for you......but it tasts so good...the scone kind of melts in your mouth - the herby sausage just mingles with the egg and scone and it was just sinful!!!! :)
I want MORE!!!!!! :)
Such a healthy start to the day :)
The sun is out and everything is beautiful outside.......I must take pictures!!
Lloyd hasn't heard about his blackberry :( his leg is still hurting too :(
I phoned my Mum for a chat.....she still hasn't booked her tickets to come over next summer.
I phoned Pella and they are coming out to give us a quote for our windows......we want them all replaced but we also want a bay window put into the side wall in the dining room (which will one day be part of our family room) it will have a window seat and over look the sledding hill and down to the pond and front woods..........
We are having the huge ugly windows at the front of the house replaced..hopefully by two smaller windows for each ugly big window....and we are having a window put into the bathroom.........
We love the Pella windows. We are having the double hung windows....with the small square panes.........the windows that are on the house now are really ugly windows...why on earth did they put them in??????
I feel like I have accomplished a fair bit today.................I also decluttered my bedroom and cleaned out the messy closets............
I got the nicest email today...from a client (and blog reader!) - it meant so much to me.......well you know who you are I am sure.....and your Email just made me so happy - thank you for taking the time to write that!!
I have a mountain of laundry to face .............I have been procrastinating over it.....
Abigail has Sam sat on a blanket and is pulling him around the house on it - he loves it! He is cuddling Maurice (Abigails teddy bear) and looks like a little Prince being pulled around by his servant!!
The children did quite a bit of 'work' this morning.....I was having one of those days when I had the need for them to do book work! So they did math and LA in their workbooks at the table......I am a failure as an unschooler today :) but my needs were met and now we can relax for the week ;) They don't seem damaged long term by my forcing schoolwork on them today so I think we will be ok ;)
23 hours ago