My friend Samantha turns 40 in a few weeks and we are going to her birthday bash......what can I get her for her birthday - it could be something from Florida or something from here....
Samantha is LOVELY......she is so much fun but she is also always there for you.....she is one of those really special people who does so much for other people and is ALWAYS on the go.....her job with preschoolers, voluntary work, sports with her boys.....salsa dancing and quiz nights......she never stops! Anmd she always seems to ring when I really need cheering up - its like she KNOWS!
Sam is from England - in fact we lived in the same town near Manchester.....She's been here for about 4 years....
So, what to get her? It has to be something just for HER......I was thinking of jelly baths BUT I'd like it to be something she can keep.
Any ideas?????
22 hours ago