I am so sleepy...still haven't woken up today...I blame Daisy!!! I mentioned to Daisy on her blog that I was feeling so energetic lately and thought I had her energy too.....well blah! Today I am just so so tired....
Laurence and Susannah will be home in about ten minutes...Christopher is going to friends house for a few hours instead of coming straight home....
Dinner is in the oven ready for the oven to be switched on at 4pm. We are having baked potatoes......Last night I made the MOST INCREDIBLE Hemp Salad............it was a mixture of salad greens with diced peppers, tuna fish and cheese mixed in and then I mixed in a LOT of hemp seeds......I wasn't sure how it would taste but it was really good and a huge hit with everyone - so much so that Susannah asked if we could have it again tonight. Last night we had new (baby) potatoes with it and tonight we are having baked potatoes. I may do cheesy beans with Lloyds instead. It is a salad high in Omega 3 and Omega 6 oils because of both the tuna AND the hemp seeds.
While the potatoes are baking I may soak in the bath and read some more of The Girls.
My Mum phoned today and said that my package had arrived...she says she read the first page of The Glass Castle and now can't wait until bed time so she can start reading it properly! I hope she likes it...I feel a bit like Debbie with her 'The Color Purple'
We put all the garbage out this morning and it was still there at lunchtime...and then I remembered that we had Family Day last week so the garbage men won't come until Wednesdays now...so I brought 2 bags back to the garage and they can go down to the box tomorrow. If there are too many bags in the box it won't close properly and then wild animals (and the dogs) tear into all the bags and make a mess......
I subscribed to my magazine by the way! Two years of Creating Keepsakes :) It says to wait 4 - 6 weeks to get your first issue so I am not sure whether I should buy the March issue or not....
I found a writers retreat I would love to go to....Lloyd said he would take the week off if I wanted to go...it's in New Mexico. I don't think I will though.....maybe next year! Its a womens only retreat and sounds wonderful! It is said to really inspire you to get writing! Lloyd is always encouraging me to write...he doesn't want me to go out to work but I know he would love for me to write from home and get published.......I haven't written anything for a few months though.....I used to belong to a writers group and I enjoyed the feedback and support.....maybe I will do something like that again.
Well, I am off to get a snack ready for when the children walk in the door!
Bye for now!
22 hours ago