I have been awake since 6am when Sam decided it was time for the day to begin, but I still don't feel properly 'awake'.....
Last night was nice....Lloyd is working every evening atm...here at home but it means he is sat at the dining table with his laptop each evening.....but that suits me fine because I sit with him and scrapbook....Last night I did another 3 layouts for my Disney album and I worked on my Easter paper bag albums.....I am really pleased with how they look so far :)
I had the boys bring up my scrapbooking drawers yesterday and I decluttered them all.....now I can finally see what supplies I really have amongst all the scraps and junk I had been hoarding!
So now Tuesday is here. I just got back from taking Abigail to preschool and chatting with the other Moms...some of them seem really nice......one invited me to her Partylite party next week so I may go along to that....their tealights smell so good!
I have a big pile of Abigails 'school work' to go through that I found in the scrapbook drawers....at the time I was using some of the drawers for homeschool supplies....
The schoolboard had given me the kindergarten curriculum for Abigail last year which she had mainly worked through but there is still some she can go through in the afternoons and the days when she doesn't have preschool......
Her typing is so good now....she can't read much but she can spell really well which seems odd to me lol....I really should focus more on her reading ability...she can type away on the computer and type in all our names and everything....
I think I may subscribe to Creating Keepsakes magazine for 2 years...I was showing it to Lloyd last night...you can save something like $150 or more if you subscribe for two years.......it works out to just over $3 an issue compared to $9 an issue when I buy them in the store.....if they can sell them for that price then why do they put the price up so ridiculously??????
Abigail tried to kill her fish today.....with kindness...she over fed it.....poor thing...so I ended up having to remove half the water to get the food out and then top it up again and I have now hidden the food....she killed all our fish a few years back by tipping in the whole pot of food...I thought she had learned by now...although she did say it was an accident and she thought the pot of food had a little pouring hole rather than just the big pot which makes sense I guess....she will be feeding Goldie under supervision from now on.
So, my list of things to do today are:
sort out Abigails work folder
sort 2 baskets of laundry and pack Sams away in his closet
read yesterdays Edmonton Journal
collect Abigail from preschool
make tomorrows lunches
take girls to ballet and pick them up
The rest of the day is my own :)
Talking of school, I am really fed up with the strike issue in the Parkland area......basically the Parkland School Board teachers have been on strike for almost 2 weeks now...for shorter hours, more pay and a few other reasons that they give so the public might feel a little sympathy (isn't it ALWAYS for the good of the students??? grrrrr)
The teachers say they will not go back to the negotiating table unless the school board is willing to reduce the hours the teachers work.....but the schoolboard say there is nothing they can do about the hours.....
You know what though...teachers have ALWAYS worked long hours.....when you go into teaching you know it is not the greatest paying job out there...you KNOW the hours are long....you know you ahve to work through recesses and after school and before school and mark papers into the evening etc etc....you KNOW this.....
Yes teachers (usually) do a great job but thats what it is - a JOB......a choice they made!!!!
I do NOT like that bald guy who is head of the Union...to me he comes across as a real SHIT STIRRER who is doing nothing to help the problem and like one parent said this morning, it is more of a personality clash between the two sides than anything else.
Yesterday hundreds of parents and students picketed AGAINST the strike......many students have exams coming up and they are missing vital classes.....working parents are struggling to find childcare.............
The whole situation is starting to piss me off and it isn't even my childrens school board involved!
I am not particularly supportive of Unions anyway and do not approve of strikes....I know some very pro-union people but will have to agree to disagree because I am anti strike and anti union.
To me its a choice thing...like the forces.....yes Lloyds friend is in Iraq atm and my BIL is off to Afghanistan soon BUT when you sign up to join the forces that is the CHOICE you make...you KNOW that is what the job involves......
That said, I do think there should be a 'get out clause' in the forces when you get married....the forces are so very much a single persons career.....I think many young single people sign up and join the forces and don't think ahead to when they are married and have families......
ok getting off my soapbox :)
21 hours ago