I was supposed to drive Susannah to school today but it was a really bad night...I don't think I took my tablet last night...and I was awake until 3am :( I woke up as Lloyd was leaving and kissed him goodbye......Lloyd phoned at 7:15am and I mumbled hello...he called again at 8am and I was shocked that Susie had left with the boys and it was too late to drive her.......I fell back to sleep....Sam was also asleep with me......Lloyd phoned at 9am and 9:45 am and Sam and I were still sleeping.......
Now its 10:20am and I am slowly waking up.....not quite the Monday morning I had planned.....
Dan did better than me - he set his alarm for 5:30am and actually got up!!! He went into Edmonton with lloyd for the day....he has an interview at DEV Studios this morning and will then spend the rest of the afternoon downtown strolling around and visiting touristy things.....maybe walking in the river valley or sat somewhere reading a magazine...he says he is 'Shit-scared' lol but he's surviving!
He got into Edmonton by 7am and then went up to the 28th floor with Lloyd to Lloyds office...he enjoyed the view from there and Lloyd printed off a colour map of the city for him and pointed places out from the window....then Lloyd left him at Second Cup getting coffee.....and when he went down a little later Dan had gone...
Dan says he walked around the mall and sat in there before the stores opened...he said it was full of homeless people sat on the benches so he sat on the last free chair lol...he went to the bathroom and found a man in there stripped to the waist washing himself....I think Dan was puzzled by this!!!!!
He got chatting to someone anyway because someone recommended he visited the Citadel...I explained where City Hall was and the Winspear and the temporary art gallery on Jasper....oh and I explained where tourist info is......and how to get to the river valley....he can get the bus back to Sherwood Park after his interview if he wants but he says he may stay downtown and wait for Lloyd......I think thats great - I know how scared he is but I think he is enjoying pushing himself into these new experiences on his own - he's never really done anything on his own and I think this will be REALLY good for him and his confidence!!
the next post is about Dan too!
22 hours ago