It is still so windy outside....windy and cold...but it has been gloriously sunny all day which has melted away a lot of the snow despite the cold......more and more grass is showing...we just got back from Sherwood Park and there is NO SNOW there!!! It's amazing...we dropped Chris's friend home and his subdivision is just snow-free! Yet our land still has so much snow!
Lloyd has done so well in the girls bedroom.....he has painted the colour below the border and has steamed off all the disgusting old border......he will paint the top half and then we can add the border...then paint all the trim white and get the bunkbeds and their room will be all girly and lovely.....
We had to go in to town to get Chris after the movies...he and his friend went to see Blades of Glory.....before we picked him up we took the others to Dairy Queen for blizzards YUM!!! A blizzard is a cross between a really thick milk shake and ice cream....and you can choose the flavour and the 'stuff' they put in it :) I had chocolate chip cookie dough mmmmmmmm
Lloyd and Sam shared a cheery cheesequake.......Susie picked a cone (she always does) and I'm not sure what Laurie and Abby had - but they were green.........
I'm tired tonight....I've thrown some laundry in to be washed but stupidly I forgot to switch the drier on yesterday so the clothes sat in there wet all night......
Easter tomorrow...I need to get the chicken out of the freezer....we still haven't made the Easter treats we planned to make....I got a new recipe for hot cross buns that I wnat to try for tomorrow - and I ahve to fill all the plastic eggs ready for the egg hunt tomorrow.............
I want to upload some more pictures too.....
22 hours ago