The weather today is having such a calming effect on me...I'm not sure why......everything is so still right now its unreal. It's overcast and cooler and they forecast thunderstorms this afternoon and tonight....perhaps this is the calm before the storm then.............
We have had such a lovely quiet lazy morning....Sam slept until 9am and so I cuddled up with him and I stayed in bed long enough to watch 100 Huntley Street (no I haven't converted to Christianity...I just find it often ahs some good issues covered - like todays show which focused author Kevin Leman and his new book 'The 7 Things He Won't Tell you - and why you need to know!' which was VERY interesting...all about the things your husband doesn't tell how he wants to be your hero......and how you should treat him like a 4 year old who shaves......and explain EVERYTHING :) it was very good and rang true in my opinion :)
This morning Abigail and Sam sat at the table and did some gluing and sticking with various things from the craft cupboard......Sam gets through a LOT of glue....
I cleaned out Goldie's fish tank.....I did three loads of laundry and washed the floors...washed some dishes.....did my sit ups (none of this is in order by the way!)
We went outside and let the dogs out for a run around for a while...we fed the chickens...the dogs and Cairo the cat (who ate a mouse on the porch too YUCK.....Abby spotted something on the porch and asked me if it was the mouses guts...and I had to say YES indeed it was :( Luckily Rosie ran on the porch and ate it up so I didn't have to clean up lol!
We watered the vegetable garden just in case the forecasted rain doesn't actually arrive!
I need to change the sugar solution in the Hummingbird feeders this evening....have to wait for Lloyd for that because I can't reach! I also need to water my tubs of flowers on the porch steps.....
Its been a nice morning....and I am loving the weather really is so calm out there its still......and its leaving me feeling the same way :)
22 hours ago