Its 10am and I have to leave for the airport in three hours......I am not dressed....I want to vacuum and wash the floors before I leave.....but what am I doing? I'm sat at the computer reading posts on LP........
Must say though that it's good that I was because I saw Tara (CF MOMMY blog to the left) posting about some big blocks she needs to get rid of TODAY....they are PERFECT for preschool so I said I'd love them...and Lloyd is going to pick them up from her daycentre today :)
How wonderful!!!! The boys at preschool are going to LOVE them!!! The girls too I'm sure but they spend much of their time flitting around in dress-up clothes and its the boys that 'try' to build things with the foam blocks...which aren't really designed for building...and there are only about 5 of these will be so so good...we don't really have a budget for any new toys or anything so this is perfect...thanks so much Tara..they will be well loved I promise you!
So Lloyd is going to go and pick them up after work today!
So yes sometimes its a good thing that I am lazy and sat at the computer instead of cleaning...
So Mom and Olly are in the air on their way to Canada....we will leave here just after lunch so we can go and see the airplanes for a while before the plane lands.....
Its a lovely warm sunny day for them to arrive here :)
23 hours ago