So the weather forecast has changed and so my plans for each day have changed....we'll head to the zoo on Friday to enjoy the gorgeous weather!
Today is my sister Karens 42nd all know her as 'Commode' who posts comments sometimes. Happy Birthday!
I found out last night that some of my layouts and altered items have been in the newsletter at SH over the last few months - I had no idea!!!! How exciting :) Thank you Donna - I guess I feel extra proud because the talent at SH is soooo amazing that for my layouts or items to be in the newsletter is just amazing!!! Truly amazing!
I'm sad today. Today is my chickens last full day of life possibly. Tomorrow a lady is coming to get them all and they will be butchered for her freezer. We know we can't keep them - or at least there is no point in keeping them...but its sad all the same. They are layers but they are starting to lay was difficult to keep them through the winter last year and then we were told that people here don't do that anyway - they have them through the summer for eggs and then they are butchered for the meat in Fall. We can't bring ourselves to eat them - or even kill them - so I am very grateful that someone else is happy to have them and will have a freezer full for her family!
I got a post-it note on the monitor this morning - Chris apologising for over sleeping and not doing his chore before school (he was on dishwasher duty)
3 days until Lloyd heads to Toronto.
Ok I have to get a few chores done as we are heading out at lunchtime!
22 hours ago