I gave Susie the day off of school today....she had complained that we only go swimming mid week while she is at school...so she came with us today.
I woke up early and waved Lloyd and Chris off - Chris had basketball practice at 7am.......I was sooo tired though and could easily have gone back to sleep but I had to get up as there were things I wanted to do before we headed into town. It was difficult to get up though as Sammy was snuggled into me saying 'I'm just so sleepy'...so he didn't want to get up either!
The pool was empty (yet Millennium place was CROWDED.. a hockey thing going on or something???) and we stayed in for just over 1 1/2 hours. It was good fun - warm...and the kids love the new toys they have there - the slide and the canoe...the paddle boat...and we got a workout in the whirlpool by trying to run backwards in it - sooooo not easy!!!
After swimming we headed to Zellers to get a new coat for Susannah - she found one she loved (it looks so great on her) and has a big floppy furry edged hood. Then we ran in to Safeway to grab a lemon for the salmon and a few other things....including Maple Avalanche Cake Mmmmmmm
Why is it that I never seem to see anyone I know at the mall...but the one day I run in in tracky pants and my hair.....well lets just say my hair was doing a pretty good post-swim interpretation of a birds nest...a CROWS nest!!!!....it's those times that I run into someone I know!
Colleen you looked wonderful today...I'm sure you are feeling tired and huge and irritable but you look amazing! Colleen's baby is due TODAY and there she was doing her very best Jennifer Garner impression looking calm and relaxed with two young children in Safeway....sigh! I'm teasing - you did look wonderful and it was so good to see you and I'm soooo sorry I ruined your childrens healthy diet for the day ;) Poor Colleen had told her girls that Safeway don't have cookies for them...and then of course they run into us and all three of my children are busy munching the free cookies! Oops!!
I was so tired after swimming - I'm not normally so I'm not sure why I was today but I felt physically drained. Came home and threw some laundry in and tidied a little and then Sam and I collapsed on the bed and snuggled and I read to him a bit and then I was dozing while he watched Handy Manny.
Dinner tonight was salmon....we don't eat enough fish so we are determined to eat more....really we only eat salmon and tuna so we need to get more fish into our diet.
They say you should eat fish three times a week. I'm not sure we will eat that much but at least twice. We don't eat much red meat...maybe once a month or so.....we mainly eat chicken or vegetarian dishes.....but we do need to eat more fish.
Now all the children are tired and cranky....well Chris is happy....Susie is happy ......Laurie is in the shower....but Sam and Abby are tired and cranky...VERY tired.....I think I will see how they are in the morning as to whether we go to Parentlink...I don't want to take them if they are tired as they will be hard work.
I have two very happy cats here tonight eating the left over salmon :)
Lloyd is sat beside me filling in a form for some insurance or other for work...we are going to head up to bed soon - yes its 7pm but we're tired and we're going to relax and watch tv and read....my book A Rhinestone Button is so good that I want to keep reading :)
I could do with smoking some pot but my dealer's pregnant and she's let me down ;) lol! just kidding ;) just a joke for one of my blog readers! See if she reads this far ;)
Goodnight everyone - have a great Wednesday :)
ps anyone want a tired and cranky 5 year old????
10 hours ago