8 hours ago
Mar 3, 2008
Jennifers Little farm....
Pictures from last Thursday when we went to visit my friend Jennifer and her family....I used the camcorder and it takes really bad pictures....really poor quality sorry! I have a video of the lamb but I need to check which one it is on the laptop at some point...I have quite a few videos to add actually but have to figure them out....
In the top pic all the children were pulling faces but I took so long to take the picture that Nuala got bored pulling a face and then Abby just smiled lol....so it kind of looks odd :) Sam was busy splashing in puddles and Jennifers youngest isn't in the pic either :) lol but I tried my best :)
I really admire Jennifer for being so hands on with her animals - it was fascinating listening to how she looks after them and why she chose to farm sheep. How they butcher them etc etc....I wish I ate lamb. Poor Jennifer sounded a little fed up with eating lamb lol.