Abigail had her doctors appointment today. I LOVE my doctor :) He's so great :) He gave Abigail the award for the most interesting patient of the day!!! :) He has referred her to a neurologist at the Stollery hospital (childrens hospital at the University of Alberta Hospital in Edmonton) as well as a psychiatrist at the Glenrose hospital in Edmonton. He isn't going to prescribe any meds until she has been seen by the doctors there. He has also sent her for blood tests for the Strep etc etc
Basically he is really interested in the whole PANDAS idea - he has heard of it but NEVER seen a case. He wants to follow this the whole way through and wants them to hurry it through - he says the waiting lists are normally long but we might get lucky because sometimes the doctors will rush through an 'interesting' case just because they get bored of all the 'ADHD' cases and 'seizures' and might just find this case to be something a little different and he is going to photocopy all the notes I made and send them in and going to write up some letters of the notes he made this morning and send them in too!
I thanked him at the end for taking my concerns seriously because i know the lady on LP whose Son has similar problems has struggled to be taken seriously by doctors yet my Doctor could quite clearly see Abigails symptoms and sat and read the print outs I took and had heard about PANDAS before. I was really happy with how the appointment went!
He said we should hear within about two weeks and then it will just be a case of waiting for an appointment.
23 hours ago