Last night we had a group of 8 deer in our side field (the one that floods that we like to ride the quad bikes through and that is kind of side on to the front yard). It seemed to be mainly Moms and their young and they were all rather skittish and jumping about and playing and having so much fun playing there!! It was wonderful to watch them. Impossible to get a good picture because they didn't stay still for a second - just leaping about and playing and running around!!! Hilarious to see them playing with each other like that and having fun - the only two to stay still were two that stayed way back by the fence looking all timid and quiet. The other six were just having a blast!!! We often see signs that large groups of deer have spent the night in that area or in the little wooded area there or the next open space along where we have walking trails and quad trails, and I wonder if they spent the night there last night. The deer were there playing until dark - after 10pm so maybe we had them spend the night :)