10 hours ago
Jul 20, 2009
A day at the lake....
On saturday we spent the day at Coal Lake. We had never been before so we decided to try out both North and South Coal Lake to see what was what. We much preferred the North end which is very scenic and a lovely place to picnic and take a boat out - but we took the kayak out at the South end too and stayed there for a while - had a walk and a snack there etc.....
There were quite a few boaters and fishermen there that day but not many were catching anything - they said it was too hot (28c). Only one boat came back with a huge Pike while we were there and we got to see that!! In the process though they had lost part of there boat because the lake is so shallow and their engine was actually IN their boat OOPS!!!!
Lloyd took the rods out in the kayak for a while with the kids and they had fun trying but nothing got caught - I enjoyed sitting and reading and Abigail was happily painting lakeside!!!