7 hours ago
Jul 20, 2009
The Foamerator!!!
Today we have been very 'crafty' here at home...and one of the crafts we've been doing is making 'foamerators'!!! this is a craft from this months Family Fun magazine!!! It's an empty water bottle (with the lid removed). Cut the bottom off. You then cut a circle of face cloth/ towel and pop it over the cut off bottom and hold it it place with an elastic band. Dampen it with water and then dip it gently into a shallow bowl of dish soap. Blow through the neck of the bottle and you will make long snakes of foamy bubbles :)
Best NOT on a windy day lol as it wasn't so easy today lol but it WAS lots of fun!!!!! :) We've kept our circles of flannel to reuse on another day as we really enjoyed our foamerators!!! :)