10 hours ago
Jul 31, 2009
A flat on the highway....
The other day we headed off to buy all the school supplies - so we would have them all organized before the rush and would not have to face the crowds of Moms just before school starts. Not too far along the highway, I felt the truck pulling and it felt as though it was a very windy day. It was as if I couldn't control the truck at all. It slowly got worse. I asked Chris if he could feel it too and after a minute or so he said he could. I said I'd check the tyres when I got to the store but a minute or so later I decided it was getting too bad and I'd have to pull off the highway. The truck was then starting to sway. I pulled off the highway onto a range road and then into a little quiet side road by the 'Witches house'.
We got out and looked and saw that the rear tyre was very soft. I had a puncture!!! I phoned Lloyd and told him and he left his meeting immediately to drive to us and change the tyre. By the time I was off the phone, the tyre was completely FLAT!!! Good job I had pulled off the highway!!!
We sat in the truck and watched a dvd while we waited for Lloyd....Chris played on my iphone. When Lloyd arrived he changed the tyre and I waled up to the 'Witches house' to have a closer look (picture to follow). It was 3:30pm by then and almost time for Lloyd to finish work anyway so he took Sam and Abby home while I took the older three on to the stores to get the school supplies - it wasn't long before we were on our way - my Knight in shining armour to the rescue ;)
Changing a tyre in a suit in hot weather isn't ideal lol - notice he made Laurie climb under the truck for something lol - Lloyd was NOT climbing under the truck for something in his SUIT!!! ;)