Along the highway there is this green house - it is derelict and old, but I just LOVE it - it's a gorgeous old acreage - and for some reason it is painted BRIGHT green!!! I call it 'The Witches House' because it's the same colour as the wicked witch from the Wizard of Oz!!! :)
While Lloyd was changing the tyre, it gave us the opportunity to walk up to the driveway and take some pictures of it close up!!! I only had my iphone, but it was nice to snoop a little - I wonder why it's been left like this - such a shame - and I wonder what the story is.....I wonder who lived here...who raised their family here......who died here......who laughed and cried here.......who has memories here......
It doesn't look as bright green in the picture as it actually is......I wouldn't actualy want a bright green house, but I love driving by and seeing this house :)