Read this article about no homework!!! I swear the more I read the Free Range website, the more normal I feel - there ARE others out there who think like me!!! :) Yay for the family in Calgary!!! I am sooooo glad my kids don't get homework!! This is something I feel strongly about!! Children need down time - families need down time - kids need to be kids and have time to burn up energy or just relax and de-stress!! They are already losing out on recess and phys ed at school because of cutbacks and cramming in more academics - the schools just don't learn!! No wonder so many kids are on ADHD drugs :(
I don't agree with having kids in endless classes and activities either - but at least getting rid of homework in the elementary years - and preferably until grade 9, would help relieve kids of today from a BIT of the stress they are under!!!
7 hours ago