Dec 1, 2009

Sams plane.....

Sam is sooooo much like his big brother Laurence!!  He loves to build with bricks and blocks and
Laurence helped Sam build this huge aeroplane out of K-nex at the weekend, and then Sam transformed it with duct tape!!  Sam's other obsession is TAPE!!  He gets through rolls and rolls of gift wrapping tape/ selotape, masking tape and duct tape!!!  He uses it for all his little 'projects'!!

He is hoping this plane will fly when he throws it out of an upstairs window (his plan) but he wanted to take it to Pre-K first for 'toy share' time.....he was sooooo proud of his plane and was telling everyone there about it!  I must admit that the dads waiting there were VERY interested in Sams plane lol and thought it was cool - the Moms and teachers probably thought Sam was a little nuts ;)
Must be a guy thing ;)
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