Jan 25, 2010

Sam spends most of his days playing with his soldiers and creating battles all over the house.  At night Lloyd has a platoon too and they battle against each other.  When the older children are home from school, they will sometimes play 'war' with Sam and make up big battles - Sam LOVES this and it all goes very seriously with sound effects and countries being chosen.....Chris is the favourite to play against  because of his sound effects during the battles.

These soldiers and the little tanks that came with them are probably Sams favourite toy lately.  We bought him a small pack last year at the dollar store and he loved them so much that we bought a big tub for his birthday that came with tanks and helicopters.  He has learned so much about wars and battles, guns and tactics from playing with these toys and he frequently asks me to look things up on youtube - like yesterday I had to show him a missile launch.

I's so funny to watch Sam playing these games with Lloyd - he always has sooo many more men than Lloyd and he always manages to kill off all Lloyds soldiers so quickly!  Lloyds side doesn't stand a chance :)  But Sam has soooooo much fun!!!

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