A few of the pages from my Junque journal......I mod podged some of the pages together to give them extra strength - and then I gessoed some either black or white to give them a plain background. I used various media from glimmer mist and inks. I've added bulldog clips and ribbons to the sides, library envelopes, envelopes and tag envelopes (some of which I attached with duct tape as suggested in the video) and I also attached things with staples.
We are having so much fun with this project.
As you can see, we haven't added much 'junque' or ephemera yet, but I have added a few little things...a few little drawings the children have done over the years, some cards friends have given me that are special - a valentine Lloyd made me....an old business card of Lloyds.....theatre tickets...some leaves we picked from the woods last year......
There are a LOT more pages than shown here....obviously....and many of them have envelopes of various designs, colours and sizes attached..as well as pockets for things too....
Abigail loves this project too - I will post pictures of her project later when it's dry :)
Don't forget you can find out all about Junque Journals HERE
I still have TONS to do - only been working on this for a few days - lots more inking, spraying, colouring, papering to be added!!!