Mar 31, 2010

Geocaching at an old school site...

Today we went to find a geocache at the foundations of an old school.  The school stood there between 1908 and 1951.  Rhonda - do you recognise this sign???

It was a great cache to find in a fabulous location - so funny to think I've lived here so long and had no idea this location was even there!!  One of the best things about geocaching is that it has introduced us to all these little places that we would never have known about if it wasn't for geocaching!

This cache had some wonderful things in it - we traded three of our little items for one of theirs because their stash was so good - hopefully that means that if anyone goes there with something small then they can trade for something small too :)

Abby chose a compass/ whistle/ thermometer:

It was a great trek through the woods and a fun find - as  well as a little bit of local history!!!!

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