21 hours ago
Dec 31, 2011
Reverb 11
- Did you try anything new in 2011?
I tried new classes - and they were amazing. They changed me soooo much! They changed my relationships with my children, they changed the way I react to situations, they changed the way I see the past, present and future....they changed the way I see myself and they helped me see what I want from life. They made me BRAVE. They gave me COURAGE to go after what I want. They showed me how to LET GO of all the things that were holding me back.
- What was the most memorable gathering you attended (or held) in 2011?There were so many....I'm not sure which to mention. It has been a fabulous year :) Perhaps Canada Day? Because I was able to introduce Nigel to Samantha :)
- What storm did you weather in 2011?
I know this probably means 'bad times' and I guess I could say about how my Ex husband decided to be a selfish idiot and turn his back on his children by leaving them financially ruined...and yes I found ways around it - and 'weathered that storm'....but I will instead talk about a weather storm - the week we went to Banff for my Sons birthday and we had an amazing time celebrating at one of his favourite places! It was fantastic and the weather where we were was wonderful! But back here in Edmonton they had a HUGE winter storm that left several feet of snow...we ended up being told to stay an extra night because things were not good back there - roads were bad etc. We were so worried that we might not be able to even get back up our driveway and we envisioned a long tiring walk up our driveway with cases and bags after a 5 hour drive home! When we did drive home though, roads were fine all the way to Leduc and then they got a bit nasty - we saw cars sliding off the road and several semi's with their loads in the ditch. We made it home safely and I almost cried with happiness when I saw our wonderful neighbour Dwayne had cleared our driveway!!! I think that was the best thing I had seen in a LONG time :) Such relief!! :) So all in all it was a good weathering of the storm as we missed it completely - ended up with an extra nights holiday and came back to a lovely clear driveway!!! Sometimes I am utterly grateful and feel so blessed :)
- Did you discover a favourite song or musical artist in 2011?
Adele!! And her cd - 21 will forever remind me of driving to Canmore with Susannah back in the Spring :) We played it constantly and knew all the songs off by heart by the time we came home :) I think my favourite song this year is probably Kelly Clarksons Stronger. Although there have been sooooo many great songs this year that I am not sure...
Adele!! And her cd - 21 will forever remind me of driving to Canmore with Susannah back in the Spring :) We played it constantly and knew all the songs off by heart by the time we came home :) I think my favourite song this year is probably Kelly Clarksons Stronger. Although there have been sooooo many great songs this year that I am not sure...
- Five things you do not want to forget from 2011?
My weekend in Canmore with Susie.
My week in Vegas with Laurence
My special date night with Sam at Milestones and Marble Slab Creamery
My special date night with Abby at the Fondue Restaurant.
Sitting in the hot tub with Nigel - ten years after our divorce :)
My weekend in Canmore with Susie.
My week in Vegas with Laurence
My special date night with Sam at Milestones and Marble Slab Creamery
My special date night with Abby at the Fondue Restaurant.
Sitting in the hot tub with Nigel - ten years after our divorce :)
- What was your favourite gift given and/or received in 2011?
I gave the gift of a few classes to people. I gave JYC to Val as a birthday gift, and so each December from now on she will be able to join me in receiving Shimelle's wonderfully festive Emails for 38 days :)
I also gave the gift of Soul Restoration 1 to a few people. I don't know if they did the work or if they finished the class, but even if they watched a few of the videos and read a little of the Emails, made a few truth cards, I know it will help. I KNOW this work, this class can change you - can change your life - and can bring amazing people in to your life - if you do the work!!
I gave the gift of a few classes to people. I gave JYC to Val as a birthday gift, and so each December from now on she will be able to join me in receiving Shimelle's wonderfully festive Emails for 38 days :)
I also gave the gift of Soul Restoration 1 to a few people. I don't know if they did the work or if they finished the class, but even if they watched a few of the videos and read a little of the Emails, made a few truth cards, I know it will help. I KNOW this work, this class can change you - can change your life - and can bring amazing people in to your life - if you do the work!!
- What was your funniest story from 2011?
Far too many to mention.....I don't think we have stopped laughing this year....it has definitely been a year full of laughter :) I love that these days this house is always full of laughter...
- What was the quote or saying that most resonated with you this past year?
"We must be willing to let go of the life we had planned so as to accept the life that is waiting for us".
Far too many to mention.....I don't think we have stopped laughing this year....it has definitely been a year full of laughter :) I love that these days this house is always full of laughter...
- What was the quote or saying that most resonated with you this past year?
"We must be willing to let go of the life we had planned so as to accept the life that is waiting for us".
- Was there anything you were feeling nostalgic for in 2011?
To have my children small again. To know then what I know now. To have a second chance and to be able to raise them the way I raise them now.
- 10 things you were thankful for in 2011?
In no particular order:
1. Brave Girls classes - for the people I met and the things it taught me. For all it brought to my life and the person it changed me in to.
To have my children small again. To know then what I know now. To have a second chance and to be able to raise them the way I raise them now.
- 10 things you were thankful for in 2011?
In no particular order:
1. Brave Girls classes - for the people I met and the things it taught me. For all it brought to my life and the person it changed me in to.
2. My lawyer. One visit to his office and I feel all calm again :) He is such a great guy - always asks how the kids are doing...always reassures me.
3. I am thankful for my 5 amazing children all of whom make me incredibly proud - all of whom are so amazingly different but so fabulous and astound me constantly!!
4. Rosie - my gorgeous golden retriever who loves me unconditionally. Who hates when I leave...who gets excited every time I arrive home. Who never says no to a cuddle.
5. Instagram - my new addiction :) I think I use it every single day :) My FAVOURITE app and a great way of meeting new people around the place....
6. My iphone.
7. My friends....my REAL friends - you know who you are....you are AMAZING and I love you all xxx
8. Facebook - for the way it allows me to communicate with friends, share links, share pictures, send messages, arrange get togethers, plan field trips and events.....
9. My home. For how warm, safe and secure it is for my children - how much they love being here and love coming home each day and love bringing their friends here....and how it is filled with laughter and comfort.
10. Art and creativity - for the way it has changed my life in the last year - for how it relaxes me, for how it has become my income, for how it has brought so many changes/friends and good things into my life.
3. I am thankful for my 5 amazing children all of whom make me incredibly proud - all of whom are so amazingly different but so fabulous and astound me constantly!!
4. Rosie - my gorgeous golden retriever who loves me unconditionally. Who hates when I leave...who gets excited every time I arrive home. Who never says no to a cuddle.
5. Instagram - my new addiction :) I think I use it every single day :) My FAVOURITE app and a great way of meeting new people around the place....
6. My iphone.
7. My friends....my REAL friends - you know who you are....you are AMAZING and I love you all xxx
8. Facebook - for the way it allows me to communicate with friends, share links, share pictures, send messages, arrange get togethers, plan field trips and events.....
9. My home. For how warm, safe and secure it is for my children - how much they love being here and love coming home each day and love bringing their friends here....and how it is filled with laughter and comfort.
10. Art and creativity - for the way it has changed my life in the last year - for how it relaxes me, for how it has become my income, for how it has brought so many changes/friends and good things into my life.
- Did you form any new, or strengthen any existing, relationships in 2011?
I made so many new friendships in 2011 :) Some amazing people came into my life this year. I won't mention them all as I don't want to forget anyone....I can't not mention Ki or Niki though....and recently Doug :) Kathy, Sandi......Bea :) so many others!!
I made so many new friendships in 2011 :) Some amazing people came into my life this year. I won't mention them all as I don't want to forget anyone....I can't not mention Ki or Niki though....and recently Doug :) Kathy, Sandi......Bea :) so many others!!
- What was something you planned to do in 2011 but didn't?
I had a whole list of things I wanted to do before I turned 40 - my 40 before 40 list :) I didn't cross many of them off :) but I'm not too bothered!! They are things like 'get a tattoo' (I even had the artist draw it up for me) and bungee jump at WEM Waterpark....and go skinny dipping....so I'm not bothered that I haven't done them - they don't actually feel all that important any more :) Maybe i'll do them one day and maybe I won't....I'm a very different person to the one I was a year ago...and I don't feel the need to do those things any more....whatever will be will be :)
I had a whole list of things I wanted to do before I turned 40 - my 40 before 40 list :) I didn't cross many of them off :) but I'm not too bothered!! They are things like 'get a tattoo' (I even had the artist draw it up for me) and bungee jump at WEM Waterpark....and go skinny dipping....so I'm not bothered that I haven't done them - they don't actually feel all that important any more :) Maybe i'll do them one day and maybe I won't....I'm a very different person to the one I was a year ago...and I don't feel the need to do those things any more....whatever will be will be :)
- What was your biggest indulgence in 2011?
My trip to Vegas....even though it was so VERY cheap and cost next to nothing to me personally, it was still quite an indulgence to take that week without the children and go!! It was so indulgent to be in a hotel for a week somewhere hot and be a tourist and fly by plane and relax and it was lovely :) And I got to spend all that time with just Laurence and we had such a wonderful time and laughed sooooo much! You really know you're in Vegas when you're standing on a side street and Elvis walks up and nods hello at you like its just a normal thing to do!! Hahaha It was so funny :) He was just strolling by like it was just so normal to be dressed as Elvis....and then the Criss Angel show!! Wow!! AMAZING!!! So yes, it felt very indulgent :)
My trip to Vegas....even though it was so VERY cheap and cost next to nothing to me personally, it was still quite an indulgence to take that week without the children and go!! It was so indulgent to be in a hotel for a week somewhere hot and be a tourist and fly by plane and relax and it was lovely :) And I got to spend all that time with just Laurence and we had such a wonderful time and laughed sooooo much! You really know you're in Vegas when you're standing on a side street and Elvis walks up and nods hello at you like its just a normal thing to do!! Hahaha It was so funny :) He was just strolling by like it was just so normal to be dressed as Elvis....and then the Criss Angel show!! Wow!! AMAZING!!! So yes, it felt very indulgent :)
- What was the best meal you enjoyed in 2011?
In Vegas in that place in Caesars Palace that Daniel and a few other people had recommended - The Cheesecake Factory!! Not to be mixed up with The Cheesecake Cafe or whatever they have here!! Totally different!! Food was fantastic!!!
In Vegas in that place in Caesars Palace that Daniel and a few other people had recommended - The Cheesecake Factory!! Not to be mixed up with The Cheesecake Cafe or whatever they have here!! Totally different!! Food was fantastic!!!
- What was your favourite photo taken OF you and/or the photo you loved best that you took in 2011?
My favourite picture OF me was taken by Nigel I think - and I am sat on the bridge at Cascade ponds. I asked him to take the pictures (I have two or three) specifically because the bridge is an important symbol in Soul restoration 2 - a class I was taking at the time. I love the picture because of what it represents...
I also like the picture of Nigel and I taken up by Lake Minnewanka as it is almost a double of the one taken in 93 of the two of us when I was pregnant with Christopher :)
My favourite picture that I took this year.....hahaha how can I pick ONE??? All I do is take pictures....hhmmm I took a picture of Abby with a goat....we were at the zoo and she was cuddling the goat and it came out so well and I LOVE that! Also the pictures of Abby and Sam with Santa - just because they have refused for YEARS to see Santa!! :) And the picture of all the children at the airport with Nigel before he left. Thats a great picture :) Oh and the ones of Nigel in the water with sam at cascade Ponds ;)
My favourite picture OF me was taken by Nigel I think - and I am sat on the bridge at Cascade ponds. I asked him to take the pictures (I have two or three) specifically because the bridge is an important symbol in Soul restoration 2 - a class I was taking at the time. I love the picture because of what it represents...
I also like the picture of Nigel and I taken up by Lake Minnewanka as it is almost a double of the one taken in 93 of the two of us when I was pregnant with Christopher :)
My favourite picture that I took this year.....hahaha how can I pick ONE??? All I do is take pictures....hhmmm I took a picture of Abby with a goat....we were at the zoo and she was cuddling the goat and it came out so well and I LOVE that! Also the pictures of Abby and Sam with Santa - just because they have refused for YEARS to see Santa!! :) And the picture of all the children at the airport with Nigel before he left. Thats a great picture :) Oh and the ones of Nigel in the water with sam at cascade Ponds ;)
- What was your most memorable moment with family in 2011?
Far too many to mention...which just goes to show how lucky we are.....maybe playing Quelf with Nigel - and watching him dance with Laurence.
Far too many to mention...which just goes to show how lucky we are.....maybe playing Quelf with Nigel - and watching him dance with Laurence.
- What was the bravest thing you did in 2011?
A blind date I went on. He was really cute and I wasn't sure whether to go or not...but I went and we had a really nice night - great dinner and lovely evening - and he turned out to be such a sweet guy! In fact too sweet - not my type at all....would have been like dating a brother!! hahaha! I'm so glad I went though.
A blind date I went on. He was really cute and I wasn't sure whether to go or not...but I went and we had a really nice night - great dinner and lovely evening - and he turned out to be such a sweet guy! In fact too sweet - not my type at all....would have been like dating a brother!! hahaha! I'm so glad I went though.
- Did you visit any place that holds special meaning to you in 2011?
Canmore as always.....and Banff...several times. We love going there and it gives us a chance to switch off from all the nastiness that a certain person seemed to want to inflict on us.
Canmore as always.....and Banff...several times. We love going there and it gives us a chance to switch off from all the nastiness that a certain person seemed to want to inflict on us.
- What was your most surprising revelation in 2011?
Matt Goss is BALD!!!! Hahahaha Holy CRAP!!! The love of my life is BALD :( This totally sucks :(
Matt Goss is BALD!!!! Hahahaha Holy CRAP!!! The love of my life is BALD :( This totally sucks :(
- What did you change your mind about in 2011?
I booked a place at Brave Girls Camp - they only take 25 women from around the world at each camp and I managed to get a place. You are sent for a week into the middle of the forest in the mountains and have no contact with anyone form the outside. You're put through intense therapy. By the end of this year though I felt that I really didn't need that kind of therapy...and really didn't need a whole week of no contact from my children - and right now they don't need to NOT be able to contact me either....so I sold my place to a friend who is very happy to be going, and I'm very happy with my decision not to go.
I booked a place at Brave Girls Camp - they only take 25 women from around the world at each camp and I managed to get a place. You are sent for a week into the middle of the forest in the mountains and have no contact with anyone form the outside. You're put through intense therapy. By the end of this year though I felt that I really didn't need that kind of therapy...and really didn't need a whole week of no contact from my children - and right now they don't need to NOT be able to contact me either....so I sold my place to a friend who is very happy to be going, and I'm very happy with my decision not to go.
- Do you remember any of your goals and resolutions from 2011?
I know I was going to be closed for restoration....hhmm I don't remember my word - maybe it was RESTORE...I wanted to get to know myself, learn about myself, become a better Mom, a better person, become calmer......just work on myself...and I DID...I spent all of 2011 in therapy and in going through endless work on myself that changed me in sooooo many ways....and I NEEDED it....and I'm sooooo glad I had this chance...and I really like the person I have become :)
I know I was going to be closed for restoration....hhmm I don't remember my word - maybe it was RESTORE...I wanted to get to know myself, learn about myself, become a better Mom, a better person, become calmer......just work on myself...and I DID...I spent all of 2011 in therapy and in going through endless work on myself that changed me in sooooo many ways....and I NEEDED it....and I'm sooooo glad I had this chance...and I really like the person I have become :)
- What was your most memorable trip in 2011?
Vegas Baby!!! :) Not really my kind of place - it's crowded, smelly, dirty, loud, full of rude people, full of drunks.....but somehow it has this draw...and there really is no place like it...although I said I'd never go back, a part of me is already desperate to go back!! Hahahaha Maybe because it's so cheap! Maybe because it's soooo different! I can't wait to take Susie there!! It was a wonderful week of crazy experiences and I'm so glad I had that week with Laurence!! :) I so wish I had managed to get the picture of the lady at the bus stop!! Sigh.....
Vegas Baby!!! :) Not really my kind of place - it's crowded, smelly, dirty, loud, full of rude people, full of drunks.....but somehow it has this draw...and there really is no place like it...although I said I'd never go back, a part of me is already desperate to go back!! Hahahaha Maybe because it's so cheap! Maybe because it's soooo different! I can't wait to take Susie there!! It was a wonderful week of crazy experiences and I'm so glad I had that week with Laurence!! :) I so wish I had managed to get the picture of the lady at the bus stop!! Sigh.....
- What was your most saddest moment in 2011?
Two come to mind....having to say goodbye to our cats. Knowing how much this upset the children. Knowing there just wasn't another answer. Knowing I had to make it as easy as possible for them and explain it to them as best I could - knowing they've had so many losses to deal with in the last year or two and this was just another to add to the hurt. The other one was just a couple of weeks ago when Susannah was let down by her Dad. She was heartbroken and she - like the others - just doesn't understand what has happened to the Dad they used to know. It's heartbreaking to see them hurting and knowing that all I can do is be the best Mom I can be but I can't make up for his failings and they are just going to have to grow up dealing with it themselves :( It's hard to watch it happen though :(
Two come to mind....having to say goodbye to our cats. Knowing how much this upset the children. Knowing there just wasn't another answer. Knowing I had to make it as easy as possible for them and explain it to them as best I could - knowing they've had so many losses to deal with in the last year or two and this was just another to add to the hurt. The other one was just a couple of weeks ago when Susannah was let down by her Dad. She was heartbroken and she - like the others - just doesn't understand what has happened to the Dad they used to know. It's heartbreaking to see them hurting and knowing that all I can do is be the best Mom I can be but I can't make up for his failings and they are just going to have to grow up dealing with it themselves :( It's hard to watch it happen though :(
- What phrase or saying did you pick up in 2011?
I can't think of anything new.....I write 'oh my gawd' on FB a lot....
I can't think of anything new.....I write 'oh my gawd' on FB a lot....
- What do you believe in?
I believe in...love, astrology, therapy, journaling, art and creativity, friendship, happiness, enjoying life!!
- How did you celebrate your birthday in 2011?
Ummmm well I have pictures of me blowing out the candles on my cake and I had a sparkler on my cake :) And I remember the video of the children singing to me :) I can't remember anything else about my birthday! omg how old am I??? How bad is my memory???
- What could you have done without in 2011?
Selfish self centred ex who doesn't think about what he is putting his children through as long as he gets at me :( It's so sad.
- What did you regret not getting to or not doing in 2011?
I don't really have regrets...life is too short to have regrets. I did have a list of 40 things to do before 40, and I didn't do many of them - very few actually, but I don't regret that! Life changed and I changed, and the list didn't seem to matter the more the year went on....oh...Nigel and I still joke about the fat that our 'chaperones' didn't let us get it together hahahaha....he got given a bell for Christmas that says 'ring for sex' and he says I didn't 'ring his bell' hahahaha....hhmmmm :) so maybe I should say I regret not ringing his bell hahahaha!! We still tease the kids that we DID though....just to gross them out ;) And of course all my friends wish we had - just to make cute babies :)
- When did you feel your most authentic in 2011?
I always feel my most authentic when I am in Canmore...when we take Rosie and have lazy days there...heading out for walks....walking into town, the dog park, flattening pennies on the train track, paddling in the lake, eating in the pub.....bliss :)
- What was the most important, or potent, lesson you learned in 2011?
"The more you know who you are and what you want, the less you let things upset you".
- What is your greatest wish for 2012?
That the children's Dad will finally wake up to what he is doing to THEM...and realise that it isn't me he is hurting. That he will grow up, take the parenting after separation course and finally become the Dad we all know he can be.
One Word - rollercoaster
Vices - Goodwill, Facebook
Virtues - saving
Superpower - I'm a BRAVEGIRL :)
Theme song - Kelly Clarkson 'Stronger'
Catchphrase - Happiness is a choice! I choose to be happy :)
Achievement unlocked - 'selling my art and starting my business/ teaching art'
Vices - Goodwill, Facebook
Virtues - saving
Superpower - I'm a BRAVEGIRL :)
Theme song - Kelly Clarkson 'Stronger'
Catchphrase - Happiness is a choice! I choose to be happy :)
Achievement unlocked - 'selling my art and starting my business/ teaching art'
Welcoming 2012 with open arms....
Well, 2011 was a wonderful year - full of so many amazing experiences...so many wonderful new friendships and cherishing friendships I already had, learning so much about myself, growing closer to my children, letting go of the past and feeling excited about the future.
2012...I am looking forward to every adventure you bring me :)
Dec 29, 2011
Susannahs friend came over today and they wanted to go to Southgate Mall to use up some Christmas giftcards...so we headed over there. Sam and Abby had some cards to use up too, so we headed to Coles and Sam bought a little notebook...Abby bought a few things in Dollarama while we were in there stocking up on paper plates and hats etc for New Years Eve....
Abby and I had cinnamon swirls from cinnabon with tea and Sam had something from Tacotime...
Wednesday tag....
1. Share something you loved about your Christmas Day.
I have plans with friends :)
Our dinner - the food was perfect, the company was FABULOUS - pulling crackers was fun - sharing the jokes, trying on the pirate eye patch and scaring Susie - reminding her of the guy on the LRT!! hahaha! Sam going back to the oven tray to steal the last of the stuffing!! Everyone raving about the swede!!
2. You get to put five items in a time capsule to be opened in 100 years, what items would you choose and why?
An Iphone fully loaded with apps, and pictures, music etc etc etc. An art journal/ junque journal written in with lots of information, tickets, scraps, newspaper clippings etc etc, A grocery shopping receipt showing how much an average family spends a week on groceries, The Harry Potter books, Some seeds from some of my favourite wild flowers.
An Iphone fully loaded with apps, and pictures, music etc etc etc. An art journal/ junque journal written in with lots of information, tickets, scraps, newspaper clippings etc etc, A grocery shopping receipt showing how much an average family spends a week on groceries, The Harry Potter books, Some seeds from some of my favourite wild flowers.
3. What do you like on a cracker?
Various cheeses...Boursin, cottage cheese, Philly, cheese and pickle, pate
Various cheeses...Boursin, cottage cheese, Philly, cheese and pickle, pate
4. Do you make resolutions at the start of a new year?
Not really. I pick a 'word of the year' and I then focus on that word for the year....that tends to work out really well each year. I also have goals for the upcoming year but I don't plan on starting them on January 1st
Not really. I pick a 'word of the year' and I then focus on that word for the year....that tends to work out really well each year. I also have goals for the upcoming year but I don't plan on starting them on January 1st
5. What's a song or song lyric you'll associate with 2011?
First half would be Adele's album 21, and the second half would be Kelly Clarkson. Adele reminds me of my trip to Canmore with Susannah as we listened to it all the way there once we couldn't get Now Radio any more....and then Kelly Clarksons entire cd is like my new anthem hahaha :)
First half would be Adele's album 21, and the second half would be Kelly Clarkson. Adele reminds me of my trip to Canmore with Susannah as we listened to it all the way there once we couldn't get Now Radio any more....and then Kelly Clarksons entire cd is like my new anthem hahaha :)
6. How will you ring in the new year?
I have plans with friends :)
7. What is something you look forward to in 2012?
So many things :)
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Happy New year everyone xxx
Christmas Cracker!!!
Here is my gorgeous cousin Lynn after her Extreme Makeover on British Televisions show 'This Morning'!! She was made over into one of their Christmas Crackers, and given Botox and dental work amongst hair and make up and clothing etc etc....and she looks amazing :) Just totally gorgeous :)
She is getting them to send me a dvd of the shows as I can't watch online from outside of the UK - how lovely are they to do that for me?? :) and thank you Lynn xxx I can't wait to show you off to everyone xxx
Tuesday happenings....
I had planned to have a quiet day at home on my own yesterday, as the kids were heading off to their Dads for his version of 'Christmas'...however, I got a message from my Fabulous friend Ki asking me if I'd like to join her on a trip to the Antiques Mall in Old Strathcona.....well, I could hardly let her go there alone now COULD I????? lol!! I mean, it's such an EFFORT to go there hahahaha, but one must force oneself for ones friends ;)
So I got dressed and rushed off to Ki's and met her and her gorgeous Daughter who were already sat in their car waiting for me (shockingly as Ki is normally late for everything lol) and off we went, making a detour to Second Cup for Holiday London Fogs on the way - YUM!!!
Once at the Antiques Mall, we spent a lovely couple of hours strolling round looking at everything. I didn't find much but love looking - I picked up a fabulous keyring with a mini on it that had a union jack roof - Laurence loved it :) and some Lego wheels for Sam which he had asked me to look for for him :)
Couldn't resist snapping a picture of the magazine above - now thats MY kind of romance hahaha ;)
I thought it was so funny.....what a title for a 'romance' hahaha :)
Dec 28, 2011
Wednesday ramblings...
D is sick.....he went to the Doctors today...I told him that I thought it was funny for guy to go to the Docs without a woman to drag him there...that I'm used to guys being on their death beds or having their third legs falling off before they'll go ;) He said I was easily impressed ;)
He has chronic sinusitis :( so he's feeling pretty crap :( I entertained him while he was waiting for the Doc...Poor thing - finally gets time off and he's sick. Totally sucks for him :(
After the movie today we went to Chapters...we have a ton of $5 off cards to use...so Sam and Abby got a little toy each which ended up costing them like $2 each!! I got an art book I've wanted for a while and some Moleskines.
Home for a little while and the kids watched a movie...I decorated one of my moleskines and left it by the fire to dry, then headed out to meet Niki for coffee. The plan was that we were going to have a coffee and then go to Goodwill to look round. We got chatting though, and then Susie texted me to ask what time I'd be home - I looked at the time and it was 9pm! 3 hours had FLOWN by and we were still chatting!!! Hahahahaha!!! So needless to say we hadn't made it to Goodwill!! :) So we said goodbye, I headed to the gas station to fill up and then headed home.
He has chronic sinusitis :( so he's feeling pretty crap :( I entertained him while he was waiting for the Doc...Poor thing - finally gets time off and he's sick. Totally sucks for him :(
After the movie today we went to Chapters...we have a ton of $5 off cards to use...so Sam and Abby got a little toy each which ended up costing them like $2 each!! I got an art book I've wanted for a while and some Moleskines.
Home for a little while and the kids watched a movie...I decorated one of my moleskines and left it by the fire to dry, then headed out to meet Niki for coffee. The plan was that we were going to have a coffee and then go to Goodwill to look round. We got chatting though, and then Susie texted me to ask what time I'd be home - I looked at the time and it was 9pm! 3 hours had FLOWN by and we were still chatting!!! Hahahahaha!!! So needless to say we hadn't made it to Goodwill!! :) So we said goodbye, I headed to the gas station to fill up and then headed home.
An afternoon at the movies.
Today we planned to spend the day at home, but Susannah's friend Cassie called and invited her to the movies, and as I was taking laurence to town anyway, I thought I may as well drive the girls in - and then take Sam and Abby to see their move - but it turned out that Arthur had finished at the theatre. Then we saw that the other movie Abby had wanted to see, Hugo, was on at the same time as the girls movie (New Years Eve), so we arranged to go at the same time.
We dropped Laurence off and then headed to the theatre. The girls went off into the mall and we left them to their own thing, and we went off into the movie theatre as our movie started first.
Hugo was a 3d movie, but this time Sam and Abby both LOVED it and wore their glasses for it - no headaches or complaining! The movie was AMAZING! Beautifully made from beginning to end! Even Abigail said she was crying in places! It is such a beautiful and touching story! Amazing to watch - the scenery and characters are so vivid and detailed...such little touches and the 3d effects just make you feel like you are right there in the train station among all the people..so different to watching an animation in 3d!! Just a beautiful movie! One of my new favourites!!
We went to see The Muppets with Brandy and although this is VERY different, I just know she will love it....can't wait to hear what she thinks of it!!
Dec 27, 2011
A night at the theatre....
Last night I took the children to the theatre to see some friends of ours perform in The Wizard of Oz. Abigail was thrilled to see her friend N and her Mom on stage :)
It was a wonderful show - far better than the traveling Broadway performance we saw at the Jubilee!
It was funny taking Sam to the theatre...taking Abby is always interesting - now I know she has tourettes it is easy to be understanding and just interesting to see how she reacts in such situations, but watching Sam and seeing him, well it is fascinating too. Laurence was just giggling silently and shaking his head. Of course, now we know about Abigails Tourettes and the issues that go with it - ADHD and OCD and ODD etc etc...It is so much easier to be more understanding with Sam and find ways to help him cope rather than see it is 'bad behaviour'....he isn't being naughty - he just isn't capable or reacting in situations the way many of us can. So it was funny...and lovely, and I sat and held his hand and just enjoyed his excitement and enjoyed the fact that people sat around him giggled a bit when he spoke a bit too loud....and I didn't worry too much when he just couldn't sit still :) He's a darling :)
It was a lovely evening. We got home VERY late and were all soooo tired! And HUNGRY!!! So we all had something to eat and collapsed into bed around midnight!
I'm awake again - woke up around 4am....pottered about went downstairs and made a coffee and checked on the Triops....now I'm back in bed and it's 6:45....have a feeling it's going to be a very lazy day of movies and game playing. And a nap :)
Dec 26, 2011
Special moments xxx
Such a happy girl - always :)
I swear all my Susie does is smile and sing :)
(oh, and read - so nice to be able to buy her lots of books this year and know she will LOVE them)
Lots of hugs this afternoon to say thank you for gifts from brothers and sisters. And a lovely big hug from Laurence tonight to say thank you for everything I did today xxx
Rosie had her own stocking of course, but it was impossible to get a good picture of her...it was around this time this morning that I was texting D and was telling him how impossible it is to get a dog to sit still with a santa hat on for a picture :)
There was no snow here this Christmas Day, BUT, it did RAIN!!! Hahahaha +8c this evening and it RAINED!!! How CRAZY is that????? We had the heating off all day and the windows open and I was complaining that I was hot all day!
Didn't seem right without snow though, So I'm glad I have plenty of beautiful snow flakes around my house to enjoy:
I am so in awe of my children and the incredible people they are becoming!!
Love them so much.
I am so amazingly lucky to get to spend days like today like them - but not just days like today - EVERY day with them.
It's exhausting and nerve-wracking at times, but I wouldn't miss a moment for the world.
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