Jun 3, 2011

Ten question tag....

{one} do you believe in ghosts?   Yes, I lived in a haunted house in England, built in 1901, and experienced a few things...and so yes I DO believe in ghosts but do not find them frightening.  THe ones in my house were comforting and NOT frightening.  

{two} are you more of a talker or more of a listener?   I can listen and support when necessary but in the last year I have talked and talked and talked!!!  lol....It has really helped me work through things to talk it out and VENT!! :)  

{three} would you rather get up early or sleep late? I would rather get up early BUT I don't, I am not good at mornings - instead I stay up late and sleep late in the mornings!!

{four} if you could instantly become an expert at one type of dance, what type would you choose? Sexy salsa or dirty dancing style dancing!!  :)    

{five} what's your favorite drink? I like water, I love Bellini's, I drink diet pepsi when I'm in a restaurant and not drinking alcohol.

{six} if your house caught fire and you could only grab three things, what would they be? I think I would try and grab my Timeline that I created as part of my Soul Restoration class.  The kids special teddies from when they were babies and my Susie doll from when I was little.

{seven} if you could only visit one restaurant for the next five years, which would it be? Joeys South

{eight} who inspires you the most? Melody Ross

{nine} if you had your own talk show, who would your first three guests be?   Melody Ross, Christy Tomlinson, Kara Haupt  :)

{ten} sneakers or sandals?   Sandals

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