Nov 30, 2011

Wednesday tag....

1. Do you send Christmas cards? If so about how many will you send this year? How do you display the cards you receive? Or don't you? (gasp!)    I send a handful of cards - very few.  I mainly send greetings my Email.  I just don't see the point these days as I am in touch with everyone daily almost because of Facebook and Email etc anyway.  I send a few to England and to people who request them.  I have a few close friends that like to have them so I will give one with their gifts.   I don't really display cards that I receive except for special cards.  

2. When do kids become adults?   When they turn 18 although in certain places they consider it to be 21 (like Las Vegas and BC) .  I consider it to be 18.  

3. Does your 'beauty regimen' change with the seasons? Only in that I need more moisturizer in the winter.

4. What's something you like to eat that might cause another person to turn up their nose?  I like Marmite on toast :)  I like drinking Oxo and I like fish.  I also like Indian food - spicy curries etc etc.

5. Gloves or mittens? I like fingerless gloves that have the mitten part attached - best of both worlds!!

6. What's the longest queue you've ever been in? Was it worth it? Queue=line but doesn't queue sound nicer? Maybe at the Empire State Building???  

7. Besides Christmas, what is one thing you are looking forward to in the month of December?   Meeting Christine AT LAST :)  I am soooo looking forward to meeting her after so many years :)  I have known her for years and finally get to go to her beautiful new home and meet her :)  I can't wait!!  

8. Insert your own random thought here.   I was called a 'hot young tart' tonight :)  hahaha!!  Made my day!  hahaha!!  John and Jason are good for my soul :)  

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