Feb 24, 2012

Snapshots from our week..... :)

Abigail took an online homeschooling class again - they've done a few of these over the year...this was one of the American Girl series and involved paper weaving....Each class has a teacher, list of materials needed and often a book or topic you can study before the class.  The Lego classes vary depending on what bricks you need as to whether we can take part...love Currclick live classes :)

We picked up a load of new books this week and this was one of the ones we read and LOVED - Scaredy Squirrel.  Susannah had loved it when she was read it at school years ago, and Sam and Abby thought it was hilarious:

Sam flew through pages and PAGES of his math book this week and we also played math games and spelling games...read books and he did some writing...I'm still not pushing hi as when I do he gets upset and I want him to LOVE writing and reading....and so when I go at his pace he really enjoys it :)  

I got a new app for  playing around with my pictures....actually I got two - one that Uberdoodles on Instagram mentioned, and one that I have noticed quite a few people use to animate their pictures.  I used  both on this picture of my marshmallows:

Felt sad for this little plastic bag stuck in the bare tree:

Grocery shopping night....store was lovely and empty....cart was noisy and squeaky so Laurence took it back and changed it.  We stocked up ready for the weekend in case we do get bad weather....ingredients for baking and for pulled pork...and a yummy stew....and a roast.....and got Sam a jar of his favourite plum sauce so he can have that at home and not just when we go out :)  

Rosie Posie.....

There was a lot of chat on my Facebook page about cooking this week - all kinds of things and for all kinds of reasons - Jason was to blame for a lot of it I'm sure - that man is TROUBLE!!!  What can I say??  Hahahaha!!!  Anyway...one of the topics discussed was poached eggs.  Laurence was studying eggs in commercial foods and was also taught to poach eggs properly.  I decided it was time to teach Abigail, so we watched some video's online of proper techniques and she had a go!  Her first two were a fail as she didn't wait until the water was boiling properly.  So I helped her get the water to a rolling boil instead of a simmer and then got the water spinning and dropped the eggs into the middle and VOILA!!!  perfect poached eggs!!  Well, maybe a little over done - next time we will cook them a little less but she did great and they were yummy!!!

Had a wonderful night out on Wednesday night - laughed and laughed and laughed.

With thanks to the wonderful Pinterest, we created these amazing bowls out Perler Beads
this week :)  Super easy and clever and so fun and fast to make!!!

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