Feb 19, 2012

What is this??????

What is all this white stuff???

We aren't used to all this any more???  It has been such a dry and warm winter, that to suddenly have snow is quite a surprise!

Woke up to an invite out for coffee this morning, so I got ready and asked the girls if they wanted to be dropped into town.  Dropped them at Timmys and they were going to grab breakfast before going to the movies....then I headed to Second Cup to meet Cori for coffee and a long catch-up :)

At least the flowers on our table were a little brighter:

After coffee I had a stroll around Homesense for a while:

Then I got a desperate plea from Ki who is sick...lol...sick and dying from a man cold that she may or may not have caught from me.  She needed a coffee and a bagel, so I went round to hers with rations lol and stayed for a chat :)  Then back to the mall to pick the girls up and grab some supplies for the animal cell science project we have to work on!!!

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