5 days ago
Jul 6, 2006
Its been a bit of a blah day.......we went to West Ed but it wasn't much fun. Roadworks everywhere. We de-toured at 53rd Ave.....there are some nice roads around there...around Brookside Elem. Never been around there before.........We went to Tony Romas for lunch but I wouldn't bother again...blah food and blah service and blah surroundings.....we did a few touristy things....Lloyd bought a new baseball bat.....I find shopping boring......the mall was busy especially around the ice rink where a hockey match was about to start.......the kids just wanted to stay home and swim......we should have done that..........
Its nice out since it rained....warm but so much cooler than it has been.......
My iron levels are very low atm...think thats not helping this blah mood.........better take my meds......