Lloyd came home from work very upset....the rain was so heavy on the Hwy that the traffic couldn't see afamily of geese until they were right on top of them...he didn't hit any but said they were all wandering about on the highway in the midst of rush hour traffic... he's really worried the mother goose will be killed and the babies will be left to fend for themselves....so we have the number toc all for hurt animals and are going to drive out there as soon as he gets back...unfortunately we couldn't go straight away as he had to go out with his friend D to pick up a rotivator....D has sold his acreage and is moving into the city...so he has kindly given us his rotatillor (sp???)...which means next Spring we can get a vegetable garden going where WE want it...the old owners had it right in the middle of a lawned area which seems odd to us......plus we will be building the extension over it.....so we are moving it to be parallel with the chicken coop and run.....