10 hours ago
Aug 6, 2006
Earth to Jane
We went to Staples today also and I found a diary I just HAD to get!!!! It has 'Earth To Jane' written on the front :) and as I was feeling spaced out at the time on those drugs it just 'spoke to me' lol! Its actually a school diary for teens but is actually ideal for a homeschooling Mom as it has educational facts etc in the back like periodic tables and maths formulas!!!! And also a list of the most commonly spelt wrong words. Don't you think I just look sooooo much like the Jane on the front of the book??????? hehehehehe!
I also bought some really nice pens, sharpener and a few other bits and pieces for the kids to inspire them to write......but NO spiral notebooks as they just weren't inspirational enough! I'll keep looking!
The best thing about everything I bought????? I can claim it all back on homeschool funds! It was so nice being able to buy school supplies just because we like them and wnat them rather than having to buy boring duotangs and back packs and folders etc etc.
Have I said lately that I LOVE homeschooling?