10 hours ago
Aug 6, 2006
Hummingbird feeders......
We went out today and bought two Hummingbird feeders for the porch.....after seeing that amazingly tiny but beautiful Hummingbird yesterday, I am determined to encourage them here.........we wnated a really nice feeder though to suit the house. We saw this one back in the Spring and loved it (especially as its called The English Garden Feeder!!!) so we went back to get it and were thrilled to find it was half the price!!!
We also bought the little plastic one to go in the flower pot on the steps...but it won't stand up so Lloyd put a hook in the pillar instead.....
I made a nectar of 4 parts water to one part sugar which I boiled for 2 minutes and then left to cool. Now the feeders are hung and ready. I have to clean them out every 3 or 4 days.
They don't recommend using food colouring at all, but instead they recommend tying red ribbons to the feeder to attract the bird.....
We will see how it goes!