Lloyd had a dream about chipmunks last night......that, and the pictures of the squirrel remionded me of a dream I had a couple of years ago.......
There were lots of squirrels runnning around my house (the house I grew up in)...running over the ceilings and furniture and walls.......then they started chewing bubblegum......they started inflating and getting fatter and fatter......until they were like balls with tiny hands and feet (think Veruca Salt in the old Willy Wonka movie after she has turned into a blueberry...except they were still squirrel coloured).................anyway lol
So these squirrels are rolling about and then they start to burst and all this blood pours out...sooo much blood that the house floods and the door bursts open and the blood is pouring down the road.....like a river!!!!
I have weird dreams...what can I say??? lol......I should tell you about the Uri Geller dream .......and the baked potato camera dream............
Stories for another time....................
22 hours ago