10 hours ago
Aug 24, 2006
Party in the park.............
After the apple picking we headed to Broadmoor Lake and met R in the parking lot with her crew.....her kids are so great! When we got over to the playground we heard music and saw a crowd of children by a stage....we didn't realise there was anything on at the park today but the churches were having their annual party in the park things.........we normally only go to the penny carnival on the last day.............Abigail had a blast dancing and singing in the crowd to songs like 'The Rainbow in the sky is a sign that God Loves us'...............or something like that lol! They then performed a play about Jonah and the Whale...and R's DD acted in it!!!!! Afterwards she told me all about the story and I was amazed that she had retained all that information from the little play.......with all the cheering and dancing and everything in the park and she remembered the whole story! R's DS showed me how great he is at cartwheels too! And it was like a homeschool convention there too as several other homeschooling families were there (hello Lorraine if you're reading this!!!!!)
Barbie Mom showed up too .....groooooooan looking perfect of COURSE!!!! white jeans lol.......not ideal for a wet and soggy sandy playground...but each to their own I guess lol! Ah there see, you didn't know Barbie was real did you?????? lol!
After our picnic and playing for a couple of hours we headed home......stopped off at the local store for some cola to make really healthy ice cream floats.................then stopped off at a yard sale..............that blog coming up...............