This weather is just making me so so sleepy and lazy...I feel like a bear that wants to hibernate.....shutting down for just makes me want to do nothing!
The kids are very busy though....I think I have WEIRD kids lol........Chris and Laurie are having a long multiplication contest to see who gets the most right...they run in after each question to see who has it right..................Chris says if they did this in school there would be more mistakes but much more fun :)
How many kids pick math for fun?????
Laurie is also on page 13 (letter sized) of his story (novel??????)
The girls have been doing writing and math and all kinds of things at the table and are now doing a craft.....coloured paper and glue sticks etc are all over the table.................
Sam is sleeping.....maybe he's like me and wants to hibernate...he loves to be outside so much but after a while of splashing in puddles and standing in wind and rain you get fed up.....being outside isn't quite the same................
I wanted to say...those of you near Edmonton...if you ever want to come over for coffee and get some fresh farm eggs then just pm me or email me.............(you know where) and bring the kids over....they can go in and get the eggs themselves if they want to and meet our chickens.........if we're home then we're always up for visitors and we have plenty of eggs :)
So we were supposed to meet some friends out at another friends house by Tofield but that got now everyone is meeting at Millennium this morning but we're not in the mood this morning so we decided not to go..........we may run into town later though....Susie has a friend coming to sleep over tonight so we need a few extra groceries ideally but I may just get Lloyd to pick them up on his way home.............
Well its 11:10am and I'm getting hungry so I think I will go have breakfast.....hmmmmm toast or Special K Vanilla Almond???????? I don't feel like oatmeal today.
22 hours ago