I took Abigail and Sam along to the first drop-in playgroup at the community hall. Its free every other Friday from 10am until 12pm....
I went along to support my friend Samantha as she is involved in setting it up...I was only planning to stay until 11am as I ahve so much to do for my Iron Chef contest....but we had so much fun that we stayed the whole time...I met several new Moms from the area...and one of the little girls from preschool yesterday clung to me for the morning!!
The children decorated butterflies with glitter glue and sticky foamies.....and their favourite thing was when Deb made a huge soft play area and they got to run and dive through a hoop into the softplay mats......even Sam adored that!
We got home around 12:20pm and I have tidied up, made lunch, done some laundry, cleaned the bathrooms and Sam and Abigail have been playing playdough at the table....
Dan made himself a HUGE pan of Kraft dinner with tuna and sweetcorn....he is giving what was left to Charlie atm but it sounds very noisy in the mudroom - no idea what they are all doing in there!!!
We still have not been grocery shopping properly since Dan arrived so Lloyd has to stop off and get some tuff on his way home - we really need to find the time and motivation to do a proper shop rather than running out for a few things every day....
Tonight we have no plans.....maybe a movie.......I am supposed to scrapbook my iron chef pieces....I will NOT be ready for Sunday :(
I'm so tired....
23 hours ago