Its just gone 10am on a sunny and warm Monday morning...I think its going to be 26c today...which is 8am it was 19c........I must admit though I am quite looking forward to the next few days which are supposed to be cooler...I wnat to ccatch up on some housework and bake some cupcakes.....I have so many eggs to use up....I think I will do a lot of baking while the weather is cool and wet and we can freeze some of it for when its hot again...
So far today I have sorted 3 loads of clean laundry and put it away...I ahve cleaned my bathroom, vacuumed the main floor and tidied it.....sorted the dirty laundry ready to put the machines on.....
I need to wash the floors although part of me thinks 'why bother'.....during the summer my floors seem to be CONSTANTLY covered in sand and sticky drips of juice......and those sticky spots then seem to collect fluff and bits from everyones socks and then my floors are covered in grey spots! I can wash them and then an hour later those sticky juice spots and the sand everywhere is BACK!!!!
To be honest the floors needed washing on Friday but I figured with the weekend here there was no point as the floors would be covered from the kids going in and out...and Lloyd ahs a habit of walking in and taking his shoes off in the family room! So he gets sand everywhere too and then Sam of course is typically two and it wouldn't enter his head to take off his shoes before running inside.....
And the shoe pile by the front door has started again .......I remmeber posting about it last year! The kids all know they are supposed to use the mud room door to go in and out but it is the front door that gets by the front door there is always a pile of shoes and an equally large pile of sand
I was going to go to the splash park today to make the most of the last hot day for a few days but the kids are tired from being outside for days on end and I think they just want a day off - so they are flopped in front of the tv easting goldfish. Yes, at 10am! But they've had weetabix and they've each had a bowl of raspberries and so I figure some goldfish is fine :)
Mmmm the rapsberries are soooo good - Lloyd brought two punnets home yesterday because they are on special at sobeys....the children eat them like candies :) I had a lot in my yoghurt last night :) Yummy :) I can't wait for our raspberries to be ready in the garden...and the strawberries :)
Well, I need to put the laundry in the machines and wash the floors, collect the eggs and top up the animals water.....I can't let the chickens out until Lloyd gets home because we need to add more netting to the corn patch in the garden....yesterday I caught a chicken in there and she had eaten 3 of my corn plants :(
The Hummingbird is loving the feeder outside of the kitchen window, but we have not seen one hummer on the feeder at the front......thats strange.....hopefully all the plants I potted up yesterday will attract more to them.......
22 hours ago