This week seems to have been a week of making plans, changing plans, going back to original plans, remaking plans, going ahead with planned plans!
Even this morning I still didn't know what today would be about!
Chris slept over at his friends house last night...Laurie was supposed to but it got cancelled and they arranged to go to Millennium Place today instead...but then he got a phone call from another friend and I am so tired I'm not in the mood to go into town anyway so instead of going to MP he is going to his friends house just up the road from here......
Susannahs friends Mom arrived at 10am and picked up now I have no extra children for once and in fact one less than normal....the kids are watching cartoons on tv and I am pleased! It seems we haven't done enough of the flopping on the sofa watching tv lately....we have been so busy and even when we have been home we have been outside or been busy doing games or crafts or whatever...I think we all need some downtime today!
I heard from my BOSS!!! Yay! At last! I know how much I will get paid each day and I know when I start and I know I am covered insurance-wise and all in all I kind of know where I stand a little better! Yay! I even have cover for my holiday in October!
Run on over to Susans blogs for some great money saving ideas!!! 'Its My Blog' link to the right!
Susan...your DH's new hat is cool and now I have the VOICE in my head! When you are on the tube in London (subway) as the train pulls into the station and the doors open, a voice comes over the loud speaker that says 'Mind The Gap' its this toneless mans voice....its supposed to warn you that there is a bit of a gap between the platform and the train. Nota gap so big that you could fall through, but I guess you could easily drop something down there....the voice kind of drags out the word mind....'miiii-iiiind the gap'! I had forgotten that until I saw Scotts hat! Cool!
I can't believe you were at Miquelon yesterday...I wish I had seen you to say hi to - did you not see us? We were so loud lol! Ad Chris had his Union Jack swim trunks on! Yes it was waindy - all the food ended up filled with sand lol! It reminded me of a typical day at the beach back home!
So today...a quiet day at home......Lloyd will pick Chris up from his sleepover tonight on his way home.....I think I'm going to sit and read for much of the day...although I have 4 baskets of clean laundry to sort into piles too.....mostly I am going to enjoy not having other peoples children in the house - yesterday after our trip to the lake I ended up with a basement full of loud boys and also Susie and her friend who slept 2 nights...
It was a nice evening - the weather was gorgeous....just before the sun set I went for a walk with the children - we walked across Marys land to see the horses...fed the horses a little and the children had fun trying to climb the hay bales....we picked plenty of wild raspberries and when we got back we picked the strawberries, tomatoes and raspberries from our garden...they all got eaten fast. I also picked the first zucchini (courgette) yay!
After that the children played on the swingset and the trampoline while Lloyd and I sat on the porch for a was such a nice evening...warm..not too hot :) I didn't have to cook either because Lloyd picked up pizza on the way after a tiring day at the lake it was a nice relaxing evening at home :)
22 hours ago