Tuesday - the older three children went back to school....I stayed home and cleaned while Lloyd drove them and helped Susie into class with all her supplies.
After that Lloyd and I took the younger two into town for breakfast...then a few last minute groceries....then home to finish cleaning the house....then off to the airport to pick his friend Parker up. Actually his name isn't Parker - but Lloyd has always called him that and so now we do too.....he doesn't seem to mind...Tuesday evening was spent outside by the firepit relaxing and chatting....
Wednesday I met Val at the Esso for breakfast...it was such a nice morning. I was chgild free but I did get to snuggle with her little guy and he has the most ticklish arm pits and the most kissable cheeks and neck EVER :) As I walked into the restaurant I saw that our favourite waitress, Grace, was back from holiday AT LAST!!!! She came over and gave me a hug and was sad that Sam wasn't there - she makes the whole experience so much more relaxed there! We really missed her and I told her she wasn't allowed to take any more holidays ;) She told us all about her trip home to see her family in Hong Kong!
In the afternoon Lloyd took Parker into town to get some groceries and then the evening was spent out by the fire again...we introduced Parker to S'mores......
Thursday we went to West Edmonton Mall......Lloyd and Parker went off to do some shopping and I took Sam and Abigail to the British Import Store and to get Abby some school shoes....then we met up with the guys and we all went to The Old Spaghetti Factory for lunch....service was AWFUL!!! The girl was soooo rude!!!! gggrrrrr we filled out a complaints card!
Thursday night again we were out by the fire but a thunder storm rolled in and we moved the fire into the workshop!!!! Really! We tipped hot ashes into the firebowl and got the fire going in that and moved it to the workshop - we made smores in there and then one of the guys that works for Lloyd came over and joined us for the evening.
Friday.....well, Friday morning I took Abigail into school for her kindergarten orientation. WE spent an hour there and she saw where her shoes go etc etc and was shown the bathrooms and lunchroom etc. She starts properly on Tuesday and will ride the yellow bus with her siblings. Her teacher and I had a 'disagreement' about speech therapy......but I stuck to my decision NOT to put her into speech this year.
The $%*%#*& teacher just couldn't say anything good about Abigail - geez she says that some kids can't even count to ten when they start - Abigail can count to a thousand and what does she say? "She counts too fast" geez!!!!!!
Friday night we went to Joeys Global for dinner.....it was ok - I just get a little tired of 'entertaining' someone who I don't like much.....I am trying my best for Lloyd - its his friend and so I have cooked and washed clothes and cleaned house and planned places to go etc but at the end of the day I don't like his friend very much so its a real effort and sometimes I struggle. He's an officer in the navy ....and well, lets just say that the forces in the UK create a certain 'type' of person - and not one I am keen to spend time with.
Saturday I scrapbooked and just left Lloyd and his friend to do their own thing.....it was quite cold yesterday so I was happy to stay inside. We took a drive to Elk Island Park and they went for a walk but I was cold and tired so I sat and read in the car....
In the evening we sat and played 'Trivial Pursuit 90's edition' until it got so late we were all falling asleep.........
And that brings us to today.....
And what does the rest of the week look like? Monday - tidying up a bit here....run into town to get my prescription.....quiet day really.....
Tuesday - Abigails first day at school.
Wednesday - picking Val up from the garage in town in the morning...not sure if we will have time for breakfast?????.....Treasured Memories?????? Val?????
Thursday - Abigail has school again so I think the rest of us are going to the Royal Alberta Museum....
Friday - quiet morning and then airport!!!!
21 hours ago