5 days ago
Nov 5, 2007
Roller Boogie!!
Easter 1983 School holidays. I was 11. They showed the movie Roller Boogie on tv and I videoed it. I fell in LOVE with that movie....OMG It was sooooo great!!! Everything about it!!! Its a really corny movie about a rich bratty girl from Beverly Hills who falls in love with a poor roller skating obsessed guy who tries to teach her to skate......
Such a GREAT movie - I must have watched it a MILLION times that year.....I had roller boots and spent that summer roller skating about - mainly chasing after Garry Harris over in East Coker, but probably a little with Lloyd too lol!
Anyway...I've always loved that movie and have looked for it on tv but finally I got around to looking online and I found the dvd for sale on Amazon :) So I've ordered it...and now I get to introduce it to Susannah :)