This snow globe was a gift from my Mom and Dad...for a few reasons.
a. I collect snow globes.
b. I LOVE Betty Boop
c. I practically LIVE in the bath tub.
d. When I turned 18 my Mom made me a birthday cake - it was Betty Boop bathing in a Champagne glass of bubbles so when they saw this in a store window they said they HAD to get it for me but had no idea how they would get it TO me - until they heard Lloyd would be in England and would be visiting them!
I LOVE baths. Baths are how I de-stress. I HATE my bath. It is grey and rusty and a nasty shape with a steep back and its metal and cold and horrid. It is in the kids bathroom which means I have to decontaminate the room before I relax in the bath every time :( Anyone with boys will know what I mean.
I can not WAIT to have my own bathroom and be able to design it myself and choose my own bath (I want the same one we had in the villa in Florida - we wrote to the owners and got them to find out the make etc for us lol so when we asked them if we could rebook for this year they remembered us by saying 'oh yes we remember you - your wife liked our bath'!!! hahahaha
I already know how I want my bathroom - with shelves etc for all my bubble baths - I use a LOT of bubble baths..... and the angle of the back of the bath is important to me as I like to relax back and not get a stiff neck but I find those pillows silly. And I do not want a corner bath in my bathroom - maybe in the kids bathroom but not in mine. And I don't want jets in my bathroom - again maybe in the kids bathroom but NOT in mine!
And under floor heating in my bathroom will be a MUST :) And heated towel rails is a MUST too :) We had them in Scotland and I miss them soooo much!